The impact of human activities in Antarctica is more severe than expected

Discovered more than 200 years ago, Antarctica is often described as an area where traces of human presence are rarely found.

But now, scientists have a record of finding that human activity there has expanded to several areas and threatens biodiversity.

As reported in the journal Nature, the team collected a number of extraordinary data covering the continent's history. The results show that while 99.6% of the area is still wild, only 32% are free from human intervention.

"We mapped 2.7 million records of human activity from 1819 to 2018 on the entire Antarctic continent. We assess the extent of the remaining area and how it overlaps with biodiversity, "said Dr. Bernard Coetzee, deputy research leader of the Global Change Institute, University of the Witwatersrand.

"In an area that is often considered remote, data shows that in reality human activity has expanded, especially in ice-free and coastal areas where biodiversity is often found," he explained.

When thinking of Antarctica, we certainly remember penguins. It is known that only 16% of their habitat and other birds have been successfully protected. Tourist arrivals and research stations overlap with biodiversity areas.

Some things that threaten the continent are undoubtedly: the infrastructure that grows there and the trampled vegetation. Not to mention the problem of pollution, microbial contamination, and the spread of native and foreign species.

"Even though the situation does not look promising, there are many opportunities to take swift action and declare protected areas to preserve the wild and biodiversity," explained Rachel Leihy, research leader from the Monash School of Biological Sciences.

This study only considers human direct action in Antarctica. Not an indirect impact from pollution, holes in the ozone layer, and the ongoing climate crisis.

In addition, this study also revealed that it was not too late for members of the Antarctic Agreement to protect the frozen continent. They can prevent damage by promoting the expansion of protected areas and balancing the benefits of science and tourism in Antarctica.

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